apple cinnamon granola

Hi Friends!

Not sure if you've ever made your own granola, but if you haven't, you should probably add it to your New Year Resolutions!  Last night was my first experience making granola...and I'm into it.  It's super easy and makes a big batch that will hopefully last us awhile.  But knowing how much I love cereal and crunchy textures in general, stretching the supply may be hard to do.

I found the recipe here after Maria posted this picture of Crunchy Quinoa Granola on Instagram and got me hooked on wanting to making some myself!  Her blog has tons of recipes and a bunch of granola variations, but the apple cinnamon one was especially calling my name.

Warning: your home will smell pretty amazing while making this little mix!  Vanilla + cinnamon + honey + applesauce = apple pie scented kitchen!   (I don't think I've had applesauce since 3rd grade, so it was fun to see that on the ingredient list.)

While they weren't in the recipe, I threw in some nutmeg, flaxseed and raisins for kicks, so if you've got some on hand, I approve those additions as well!

Have any favorite granola recipes?  Feel free to share them below!

Happy crunchin',
