it's the holiday season

Hello friends!

I'm SO in the holiday spirit right now.  Flurries are swirling in the air outside the window and I'm about to travel around the midwest to do the tour de family, which I couldn't be more excited about.  Yep, I'm ready for the people and pies I love to be gathered around the same table as we come together and give thanks.

Since tomorrow kicks off a whole special season of giving and tradition, and because I'm ready to get my apartment lookin' its holiday best, I thought I'd share a  print that's available in the shop. If you are on the hunt for some festive decor, be sure to head to my Etsy shop and browse around!  Christmas cards, custom stamps and some fun gift ideas are also there, too, so keep your eyes open for those!

Hope your Thanksgiving is sweeter than potatoes, Caitlin

a note about notes

Heya Friends, Just wanted to pop in and let you know that the Lettered Life Shop has a new item on its virtual shelves.  It is turquoise and cornflower and has polka dots and fits in your purse and and is perfect for recording your dreamy thoughts.  Here she is!

Yep, she's a journal.  And boy do I love journals. And notebooks.  I think I'm just a paper goods kinda person.  I have one notebook for work stuff.  I have a journal that I use with my daily devotional.   I have a notebook where I write down things that I really like from books.  And I have one (or two or three) that I just record memories in, so I can remember them for years to come.  There's just something about writing things down that makes me feel better.  Maybe it's because I feel like I'm committing my recorded thoughts to a deeper level of memory when I jot them down, or maybe it's just because I like to go back and look at my own handwriting on a certain day and know that's what I was thinking about at the time.  Whatever it is, it feels important to me, so I keep writing things down.

So if you are writer-downer, hopefully this journal can be a happy place for you.  I hope it can be something you can fill with joy, whether it's to-do lists, things you are thankful for, recipes, the first chapter of your soon-be-best-selling novel or whatever inspires you to pick up a pen and write.

Hope you are having the best kind of day,


PS--more info about the journal in the shop!